Brani 腰带
The Brani belt features a sleek closure system that's adjustable in micro increments of 2mm. Its tail disappears neatly and discretely behinds its head. Available in a wide range of coulours, from 'yellow snow' to 'black lab'. The Brani belt is a true innovation in waistwear! Designed in cooperation with Clemtone.
合作客户: Orangtiga (比利时)
产品: 腰带
材料: TPE, Hytrel
获奖记录: 2001 年入围德国ISPO创新大赛决赛, 2002 年荣获美国《I.D.》杂志年度设计回顾的最佳类别奖, 2002 年荣获法国设计观察者大奖, 2003 年荣获德国红点奖, 2003 年荣获日本优良设计大奖